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Puiforcat (Hermes) & Henin - 195pc. Antique 19th Centiry French 950 Sterling Silver Flatware Set for 18.

$49,550.00 CAD
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This is an extremely high quality set in a very classic Louis XVI pattern and in excellent condition. The silver pieces are even more stunning than can be reflected by the photographs. The set is offered at an extraordinarily low price and is extremely good value for money. Its very rare to find a set this large (service for 18) in the same pattern and in such good condition. Each silver piece contains the French governments Head of the Minerva-1 Hallmark, signifying a minimum of 950 sterling along with the Henin Freres manufacturer's hallmark. One of the dinner knife blades bears the "Puiforcat Signature Hallmark" and one of the sterling silver dessert knife blades bears the "Odiot Signature Hallmark". The Set Includes the following (all weights and measure approximate):

18 Dinner Knives with Acier Blades 25.30 cm. 86 grams
18 Dinner Forks 21.00 cm. 89 grams
16 Extra Dinner Forks 21.00 cm. 89 grams
17 Table Spoons 21.00 cm. 100 grams
17 Luncheon / Dessert Forks 18.40 cm. 64 grams
17 Luncheon / Dessert Spoons 18.70 cm. 61 grams
16 Dessert Knives with Sterling Silver Blades 20.00 cm. 47 grams
18 Fish Knives with Sterling Silver Blades 22.00 cm. 75 grams
16 Fish Forks 18.00 cm. 61 grams
18 Oyster Forks 13.00 cm. 27 grams
5 Teaspoons 14.50 cm. 24 grams
1 Large Soup / Stew Serving Ladle 31.50 cm. 219 grams
1 Large Salad Serving Fork 25.70 cm. 126 grams
1 Large Salad Serving Spoon 26.00 cm. 121 grams
2 Large Fish Serving Forks 22.70 cm. 116 grams
2 Large Fish Serving Knives with Sterling Silver Blades 27.00 cm. 131 grams
2 Gravy Serving Ladles with Fat Skimmers 18.30 cm. 111 grams
1 Large Cake / Pie Serving Knife with Sterling Silver Blade 27.30 cm. 130 grams
2 Large Serving Spoons 24.20 cm. 117 grams
1 Large Cheese Serving Knife with Acier Blade 25.70 cm. 96 grams
1 Large Meat Serving Fork 24.00 cm. 91 grams
1 Large Meat Serving Knife with Acier Blade 27.60 cm. 85 grams
1 Sauce Serving Ladle 24.50 cm. 106 grams
1 Large Dessert Serving Spoon 20.70 cm. 95 grams
1 Large Ice Cream / Custard Server 23.00 cm. 135 grams
1 Lamb Leg / Gigot Holder 20.00 cm. 121 grams
9 Covered Anti-Tarnish Storage Trays each holds Pieces

This is an Extremely High Quality Set in Henin's Classic Louis XVI Pattern, Traditional 19th Century Elegance, Style and Craftsmanship Traditional Reserved for the French Aristocracy, A Very Solid Investment in this Uncertain Economic Environment and NO MONOGRAMS.
Puiforcat (Hermes) & Henin - 195pc. Antique 19th Centiry French 950 Sterling Silver Flatware Set for 18.
$49,550.00 CAD
$49,550.00 CAD

Puiforcat (Hermes) & Henin - 195pc. Antique 19th Centiry French 950 Sterling Silver Flatware Set for 18.

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